There’s always a strong temptation to think of the brainer to call a branded machine or talk about. It as a computer when I was in medical school we were taught that the brain is what it is and nothing really can change it. I learned that the brain was pretty much hardwired and what you’ve got by the age of 18 you’re left with all of this work suggests that we need to radically change this old view of the brain.
I think we’re now learning that in fact the brain is changing all the time that the brain is changing with everything. We think with everything we experience. Dr. Norman Doidge who wrote a book called the brain that changes itself ,that describe what I’ve come to believes the most important change in our understanding of the human brain. In 400 years this idea is revolutionary because for four centuries mainstream medicine and science has seen the brain is fixed and described.
It is though it were a complex machine with parts each of which perform one mental function in a single location in the brain. This machine metaphor gave rise to what I’ve called the doctrine of the unchanging brain a sense that treatment for many brain conditions was impossible or unwarranted took hold and it spread through the culture. Even stunting our overall view of human nature but what if the idea of the brain is machine or mechanism,is not only wrong but spectacularly wrong. When I first heard reports that the human brain might not be hardwired. I had to investigate and began a series of travels and in the
process met a band of brilliant scientists, at the frontiers of brain science who’d made a series of unexpected discoveries these scientific heretics began to call this new brain property neuroplasticity.