The Best NIKOLA TESLA Documentary

By | April 5, 2020

Nikola Tesla Genius Inventor Discovered Electric Alternating Current pic 1

When you think of electricity, you think of Edison,when you think of radio you think of Marconi but there is one electrical genius who is nearly forgotten a man who dreamed of giving the world an unlimited supply of energy his name was Nikola Tesla. He was the master of lightning and this is one of the best documentaries on his story.

The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention its ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world the harnessing of the forces of nature to human needs Nikola Tesla 1919.

This is the story of a modern Prometheus who change the world with electricity,it was Nikola Tesla who captured the power of Niagara Falls.

With his alternating current system and made it possible to transmit electricity to all of America and the world. It was Tesla who patented the technology for wireless communications that is used in all radio and television broadcasting. His incredible legacy can be seen in everything from remote control to neon
and fluorescent lighting x-rays, guided missiles and even the Strategic Defense Initiative.

Somehow history has overlooked this remarkable man Tesla wasn’t the genius of the first magnitude. he was a technological visionary even he could envision great things and make them work he was a foreigner an immigrant who arrived in America with only his dreams a proud and sometimes arrogant man.
He worked and locked horns with some of the most powerful people of his day, Thomas Edison who resented his ideas, Guglielmo Marconi who capitalized on his inventions George Westinghouse ,who created the Westinghouse Electric Company.

With Tesla’s patents and the great financier J Pierpont Morgan who supported and then abandoned at the height of his career. Tesla was one of the most famous men in the world, his inventions helped America grow into a powerful industrial nation. His ideas created billion-dollar corporations but Tesla was not a practical man always driven toward the next great breakthrough. He failed to protect his commercial interests in the end others made fortunes with his inventions. He wound up penniless and rejected money does not mean to others,what it does to other, all his money has been invested in inventions to make man’s life a little easier he was a visionary genius.