Napoleon Bonaparte Documentary and Story The congregation shivered in the cold the room echoed with the sounds of 400 musicians and singers. The young man born on the island of Corsica moved impatiently forward, Napoleon Bonaparte 35 years old was about to be crowned Emperor of France. “I found the crown of France in the gutter, he said and… Read More »

Documentary The First Cities in History

The first cites began in the fertile crescent in what is now the middle east. Cites such as Uruk and Sumerian began around the 27th century BC to roughly 2000 BC. These early sites gave rise to other legendary cities such as Babylon and Egypt. These early cites had rules and laws as well as… Read More »

Documentary Vikings in Spain & the Mediterranean

The vikings invaded many lands including Spain which at the time was controlled by a Muslim Caliphate. This is one of the more interesting of the Viking invasions as they did not care if their victims were Muslim or Christian. The notorious son of Ragnar Lodbrok called Björn Ironside was one of the more successful… Read More »

Category: War

Documentary Douglas MacArthur General of the US Army

    Douglas MacArthur was an American five-star general and Field Marshal located in the Philippines. He received the Medal of Honor for his service in the Philippines Campaign (1944-45).   In 1942, with his position in the Philippines made hopeless by Japan’s destruction of more than half the planes in his Far East Command,… Read More »

General Patton Documentary

    During World War II Patton was determined to destroy the German army and put an end to the war. It seems that nothing could stop Patton and his armored divisions from completing a legendary charge across France, but Patton’s bosses continue to infuriate him controversial decisions by Eisenhower and Bradley keep him from… Read More »

The Brain that Changes Itself Documentary

    There’s always a strong temptation to think of the brainer to call a branded machine or talk about. It as a computer when I was in medical school we were taught that the brain is what it is and nothing really can change it. I learned that the brain was pretty much hardwired… Read More »

The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller   David Rockefeller last surviving grandson of oligarch John D Rockefeller, is dead we are told he died in his sleep at the age of 101. This past Monday and with him the third generation of the infamous Rockefeller dynasty the fourth. If you camp John Dee’s bigamist snake oil selling father is at… Read More »

The Hittites Anatolia Documentary   The eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea Anatolia called Asia Minor or present-day Turkey. The year 1200 BC rubble and ruins are all that remain of the city of hot ash. The once magnificent capital of the Hittites one of the strongest civilizations in the ancient world, warriors known only as peoples… Read More »