life without cars is almost impossible to imagine but how do they really work and who developed all the modern features we’ve come to rely on?
Well roll up your sleeves for a real nuts and bolts tour under the hood of the modern
As a mechanic there’s nothing greater than taking things apart and putting them back together.
In this documentary they take apart a Ford Taurus and sacrifice it on the altar of knowledge.
They unscrew it, unbolt it, and generally rip it apart.
There’s no way they have time to go into all of the 15,000 parts but by the end of the program you’ll really know what makes a car tick.
for example older cars had no computers and were solely mechanical.
Today’s cars cant run without a computer called a PCM,
Mechanics working on older vehicles had to uses experience combined with troubleshooting to repair cars.
Today cars and trucks have computers that send out error codes which point to the problem.
For example a P0301 error code would indicate a misfire on spark plug 1 which older mechanics would have to guess about.
In this documentary You’ll learn the stories behind all of today’s automotive systems so put on your metal overalls.