The first cites began in the fertile crescent in what is now the middle east.
Cites such as Uruk and Sumerian began around the 27th century BC to roughly 2000 BC.
These early sites gave rise to other legendary cities such as Babylon and Egypt.
These early cites had rules and laws as well as taxes.
In fact early writing is believed to have started with the practice of trying to keep track of tax records.
Like today the people had rules with a social contract even if that it may seem barbaric compared to today’s views.
For example slaves were common place in ancient times which today would be unthinkable.
The first cites were called City States with each having its own ruler and laws.
They often fought with each other for control of land and other resources.
The above documentary while old give a good overall view of the first cites.
This is supposed to be the documentary on first cities in the world not Romans and Greeks. In the beginning, it only briefly mentions Uruk and Sumerians, what about Hittites and Assyrians? Minoans? Greeks being the first? Nope! It was Minoans.
Mohenja Daro and the Indus river civilization is not mentioned. Arguably the oldest and very much largest civilization discovered.
I’m a huge fan of all history, even the stuff where we are absolutely horrible to each other. What I don’t love is how archaeology keeps spinning a narrative for us to believe when most of what they are doing(in some cases) is interpretation pieces and weaving a whole story. I would REALLY LIKE to see more actual science in exploring our past. Not just a bunch of educated close minded ol’boys who tell us our current model of history is correct and resist any idea or information that goes against the approved “model”. If you want to learn you have to adopt an open mind than can explore ideas and concepts. You can’t walk thru a closed door of you take my meaning.