Category Archives: War


Documentary: The Rise and Fall of Parthia the Enemy of Rome

The Parthian Empire, one of the most renowned yet least-understood empires in world history, rose from humble beginnings to become a formidable force that challenged the might of Rome and the Seleukids. This empire was not only known for its martial prowess but also for its diplomatic acumen and administrative expertise. The Parthians managed to… Read More »

Documentary Hannibal versus Rome

Hannibal is no doubt one of the greatest generals of all time with unrelenting all-out war on the Romans. Set during the Punic wars Hannibal inherited from his father a hatred of Rome which he set out to destroy. Best known for crossing the Alps with elephants he entered Italy quickly killing hundreds of thousand… Read More »

Documentary Vikings in Spain & the Mediterranean

The vikings invaded many lands including Spain which at the time was controlled by a Muslim Caliphate. This is one of the more interesting of the Viking invasions as they did not care if their victims were Muslim or Christian. The notorious son of Ragnar Lodbrok called Björn Ironside was one of the more successful… Read More »

Category: War

The Hittites Anatolia Documentary   The eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea Anatolia called Asia Minor or present-day Turkey. The year 1200 BC rubble and ruins are all that remain of the city of hot ash. The once magnificent capital of the Hittites one of the strongest civilizations in the ancient world, warriors known only as peoples… Read More »

World War 1 Documentary   The Great Powers of Europe are divided into two rival alliance ,The Triple Entente: France, Britain and Russia, united by fear and suspicion of Germany, Europe’s new strongest power, and the Triple Alliance: Germany, which fears encirclement by its rivals; Austro-Hungary,clinging onto a fragile empire; and Italy, seeking gains at French expense.… Read More »

Category: War